With all that said. In my photograph I see the tail bands that Sibley's is showing to be the Juvenile Red Shouldered Hawk. To add to the confusion a Florida Red Shouldered Hawk looks different than in other areas. The National Geographic even says "closely resembles juvenile Broad Winged Hawk". And on top of everything else, it would be rare for the Broad Winged Hawk to be in Seminole, but the Red Shouldered would be right for the area.
I posted the photograph above, as fun. Check out my first post of the tree the hawk was in. Darla first found a bird in the top of the tree, that I had not even noticed. Because it was small, at least one comment said it was a Mockingbird. I wonder if it was the hawk, just in the top. He sure does appear to be small in this photo, and this one I know it was the hawk, because he never moved as I got closer to him. He just turned and watched me walk around under him.
Sorry can't be of any help.I do know from experience how frustrating it can be to not be able to identify a bird.Hope some with more I.D. skills can help.
So I think we have it thanks to your help. I am going with the juvenile red-shouldered hawk. Thanks again Leedra, also I finially got a shot of the wood stork. check it out....
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