The colors of spring through my camera lens this spring.
Forsythia taken at the Spring City Elementary School.
Apple Fruit Tree
Not sure about this one. We first planted a Japanese Maple in this location, right before the late freeze (21 degrees) in April 2007. The Japanese Maple still had not come back to life in the fall of 2008 so we replaced it with this tree. I can't find my tag for it, so I don't know the name of it.
A ladybug on the above tree/shrub.
Unless otherwise noted these photographs were taken in my yard in New Market. We are expecting another April hard freeze tonight so I hope we still have some spring colors when we get up Tuesday morning. If we get some snow it would help. We are suppose to, but since we all want it in hopes of helping to save all the blooms we probably won't. The dogwoods are just beginning to open up, and it sure would be nice to have dogwoods in bloom for Easter. I would like to be eating apricots and peaches from my own trees this summer too.
All so vibrant and alive. Beautiful macro shots Leedra!
Such beautiful pictures - especially the flowering almond.
What a gorgeous feast for the eyes this early morning. LOVE the Bleeding Hearts!
Great Spring colors Leedra! We are getting a cold snap tonight. Sheets and buckets all of my yard, hopefully for the last time this Spring!
Amazing spring colors. The crab apple blossoms look especially sweet to me. I hope your flowers make it through your cold weather.
Beautiful as usual Leedra. We were suppose to get freezing temps last night. It was 37 this a.m. but felt 32. I had to cover plants last night and will have to again tonight.
These are great Leedra.
I think that second from the bottom one has cherry in the name?? We have a couple of those bushes.
Beautiful Spring pictures ---all of them, Leedra. I don't know what your new plant is --that replaced the Japanese maple.. It's pretty though!!!
Snowing still here on the plateau. We only got about l/2 inch--but it has flurried now for 2 days. The birds are eating like crazy these past two days.
Jen - Thanks, maybe it is a flowering cherry. I tried to google that and only got the weeping cherry trees. I will be keeping a look out at the nurery. We do have another tree with very similiar leaves, but did not bloom like this. The other one came from a start from John and Lindsey's first home.
I am sitting here green with envy! I can't wait for things to get this far along here!
Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful. So far all we have blooming is forsythia. It is really cold here today with snow flurries and strong wind.
Leedra, you need to look up "Prunus" (Ornamental Cherry)& it looks like one of the many upright forms.
Fabulous series of colourful spring blooms. Lol Frank
I think it is Sand Cherry.
I've been thinking of it all day----yep, I'm slow, at least I had half of it. ;)
Wow Leedra spring is there! How awesome for you! My tulips have some leaves poking up, eventually they'll bud- right? :)
Beautiful spring flowers and colors. I'm pretty sure we got through last night without any damage to the plants in our yard. The temperature is supposed to be about the same tonight so hopefully we'll get through that as well.
Jen - You were right. I did some google and have come up with Purple Leaf Sand Cherry. Thank you for the help.
These are absolutely gorgeous. I love the spring flowers with the different colors. I especially like the flowering crab apple, but all these flowers are beautiful.
What a refreshing stroll through the flower beds.I sure hope that freeze didn't happen.
I love the Japanese Quince Picture. Taking pictures of spring flowers always makes me smile.
These are all so beautiful...think the bleeding hearts are my favorite. Yet I love opening the forsythia and my screen being full of yellow!
These colors are stunningly beautiful. Really brightened my day. Thank you!
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