This first Asiatic Lily is called Lollipop.
I also received it from John and Lindsey's first yard. Their yard had all kinds of flowers, and they were young and did not want to be bothered with them. So I have benefitted from their flowers year after year. So have several of my friends. I gave flowers away for 2 years from John and Lindsey's yard.

This lily does not match any of the lilies in the brochure of Breck's Lilies so I assume I also got this one from John and Lindsey.
Don't know the name of it though.
Again, I had to get close.

My yard starts in the spring with the daffodils and the iris have started blooming by the time the late daffodils are finishing. Now the iris will probably be blooming for another week and the lilies have started. The Asiatic always start first, the daylilies are right behind them (have a couple of blooms now), and the Oriental Lilies come next. The daylilies bloom until frost. So to have blooms from spring until late fall all you have to plant are daffodils, iris, lilies, and daylilies.
This time of year is so hard to stay inside to post at the computer. Still struggling to find enough time for blogging, but I visit as often as I can. Would love to make some stained glass pieces too. Not enough hours in the day.
One word comes to mind and that is beautiful!
The asiatic lilies are beautiful. You have captured some great shots.
You really outdid yourself! The last one is my favorite - WOW!
I like the close up shots. Those are neat looking.
Gorgeous lilies.Yor yard must look amazing.I still need to be patient and wait for most of the flowers.Have a great day.
Ruth - I am slow, but I finally know why you don't have blooms is only warm at your house in July!!
Your lilies are beautiful. Ours have lots of buds, but we're still several days from blossoms.
Wow, those are incredible, spectacular close-ups and love those vibrant colors.
Beautiful! I just planted 3 asiatic lily bulbs this past weekend, so I'm looking forward to seeing them once they bloom. And hopefully I'll be able to share some of my photos.
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